Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Jack Kirby Knew How to Make a Norse God Feel Pretty

Kirby Nova and Thor

So, I don't have any new photographic adventures to share yet (developing would be the vast inconvenience that digital overcomes). Marvel had these series of Kirby covers, and I figured I would post my favorites - like Thor's pretty, pretty hair.

Kirby Hulk

And the Hulk being...the Hulk.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Ricky Exploded My Brain

So, I'll just post the photos that I'm most pleased with upon their return from the Memphis Photo Imaging.

In the Pool, Fighting

The Trail In OB Park

After Rainfall

I just watched The Story of Ricky, a martial arts/gore-fest ball of cheese that was mindblowingly (in a couple of cases, quite literally) outrageous. I highly recommend the movie as it will most certainly disturb you and make you laugh at the same time. That's all I got. Exploded brain and all...

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Ladies and Gentlemen, The Electro 35


The Mirror and the Yashica

Through the Window

So, my new camera is quite awesome. Went to Wolf Camera today for the first time in forever, and I was very impressed. These scans aren't flawless, but they are eons ahead of Walmart. It was a tad on the pricey side, but I am just so glad the thing works. Also, a advantage of this blog is seeing these images on black rather than the flickr white (although they have the "slideshow" thing, but the sizes seem very finicky - i.e. pictures I know are bigger are shown small, and others are as big as they should be). Anyway, I'm in love with a hunk of metal.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

So, yeah, this is my "blog."

I've decided to keep a blog. Some little something to post my work and hopefully an added catalyst for producing work. I also hope this blog achieves some sense of positivity as I need what I can get in this crazy, mixed up world and some happenings make the getting that much harder...

Anyway, vagueness aside, I also might play the part of informant, trying to pass along some neat coming attractions. Or maybe not as I'm sure anything that I might have interest enough to post (apart from uber "photonerd" stuff) would more than likely already be discussed and posted previously by this guy aka chrishaley or "thechrishaley," a good friend and former bandmate.

Also, I got a new baby!! A Yashica Electro 35 GSN. It is my first rangefinder. Hooray!

Hopefully, I will have images posted by my new beauty (the one pictured is not MY camera, but it's the same) as early as tomorrow, but until then, here are a couple of flickr favs...

Dad Is Chillin'

Miranda and a Submerged Katie
Mom and Crutches