Wednesday, August 22, 2007

So, yeah, this is my "blog."

I've decided to keep a blog. Some little something to post my work and hopefully an added catalyst for producing work. I also hope this blog achieves some sense of positivity as I need what I can get in this crazy, mixed up world and some happenings make the getting that much harder...

Anyway, vagueness aside, I also might play the part of informant, trying to pass along some neat coming attractions. Or maybe not as I'm sure anything that I might have interest enough to post (apart from uber "photonerd" stuff) would more than likely already be discussed and posted previously by this guy aka chrishaley or "thechrishaley," a good friend and former bandmate.

Also, I got a new baby!! A Yashica Electro 35 GSN. It is my first rangefinder. Hooray!

Hopefully, I will have images posted by my new beauty (the one pictured is not MY camera, but it's the same) as early as tomorrow, but until then, here are a couple of flickr favs...

Dad Is Chillin'

Miranda and a Submerged Katie
Mom and Crutches


chrishaley said...

The Bloggerverse and I welcome you.

Adam The Awesome said...

Yatta! I'm here, and thank you.