Friday, May 30, 2008

Part Two, Part Two, Part Two, Part Two!!!

I remember what I was going to write about in the previous post. I was going to complain about the movie Abominable, but you know what, good for that writer/director guy. He got to make a low-budget, mediocre (if that) horror movie with some really talented people (most notably the acting). I become increasingly impressed with Jeffrey Combs' acting ability the more I see him no matter how small the role is.

I have been playing God of War 2, and it is driving me mad. My sister and her bunch went on vacation, and them having a PS2, I decided to rent and beat this game. The severe drawback is the complete absence of a memory card. So three times this week I have just played from start until it is too late to keep playing. Each time, I get a nice, meaty chunk of the game farther being able to breeze through the previously played bits. We'll see if I make before tomorrow night. As of now it is looking doubtful.

One of my more interesting pages from my first moleskin (I am only on my second):

1st moleskin layout2

And the shot that has successfully trumped this shot of April as far as popularity on flickr.

Dad Holding Bigshot

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I thought I had something to write, but I am having trouble remembering. This past Sunday there were an excessive amount of horror movies being shown throughout the basic cable spectrum. It is too summery. I am not a fan at all of summer. Too, too hot. The recent movies I have viewed: Chinatown (good and depressing), Cape Fear (Scorsese version - extra creepy although I have not seen the original), Abominable (so, so), Dan In Real Life (enjoyed it thoroughly), and The Diving Bell and the Butterfly(so, so good). In honor of this most horrid of seasons, pictures...of snow!

Beautiful Rarity II The Shadow Knows
curls and swirls

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I have been going crazy over the past couple of hours trying to find this movie that I loved as a kid. I remembered quite vividly the cover of this movie saying The Quest, but the internet set out to make a liar out of me. There was an 80's short movie called Quest which is not the movie I saw as a kid, but it is based on a Ray Bradbury story. Looking on endless 80's kid movie forums, not a single title remotely resembled the title and font that my eyes beheld in the Video Shop many years ago.

At this point, I am grasping at straws. I think to myself, "The kid in this movie kind of looks like the kid from E.T." So, I arrive on the imdb page of Henry Thomas and begin investigating his early works. It's called The Quest not Frog Dreaming, imdb!!!

Sippy Cups Are So Metal Brief Intermission
Vic Firth - For Your Ear Holes
Bass Portrait The Stand Off

There needs to be much smaller gaps in these blogs o' mine. I was almost caught up on picture posting, but then I did a wedding. Someday, I might actually post a blog with photos I took that month.