Friday, May 30, 2008

Part Two, Part Two, Part Two, Part Two!!!

I remember what I was going to write about in the previous post. I was going to complain about the movie Abominable, but you know what, good for that writer/director guy. He got to make a low-budget, mediocre (if that) horror movie with some really talented people (most notably the acting). I become increasingly impressed with Jeffrey Combs' acting ability the more I see him no matter how small the role is.

I have been playing God of War 2, and it is driving me mad. My sister and her bunch went on vacation, and them having a PS2, I decided to rent and beat this game. The severe drawback is the complete absence of a memory card. So three times this week I have just played from start until it is too late to keep playing. Each time, I get a nice, meaty chunk of the game farther being able to breeze through the previously played bits. We'll see if I make before tomorrow night. As of now it is looking doubtful.

One of my more interesting pages from my first moleskin (I am only on my second):

1st moleskin layout2

And the shot that has successfully trumped this shot of April as far as popularity on flickr.

Dad Holding Bigshot

1 comment:

Elisa said...

There's gonna be an Abominable 2 now with Jeff in a lead role!!!

The director is a friend of mine, so I got some exclusive info for the blog.

Lookie here. :)