Thursday, September 27, 2007

5 Photos Coming At You

I have not posted in a while so here are some current photos. Maybe tomorrow I'll write down thoughts and garbage like that.

Completely Knocked Out

More Of This Waiting


Velvia Umbrella

Relative Flowers

Saturday, September 22, 2007

I Could Flip You Upside Down

I'm feeling a little absent-minded today. I suppose it's a result of an email I got recently. So, not much typ-ee my thoughts today. Here's my new toy that I won't be able to use until I buy some old "magicubes" for it:

And here are some new black and white shots:

Olive Branch Night Sky

Wall By Mo's

Coffee House Ceiling

That first shot is of the moon, not the sun, btw.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

"Monkeys Aren't Donkeys. Quit Messing With My Head!"

I don't know what kind of whacked-out dream I was having a few mornings ago, but I woke up singing the words, "I got my mind on my taters, and my taters on my thighs." It wasn't to the tune (if you can call it that) of the rap song, but more country-sounding. For the first 20 minutes of being awake, this "song" wouldn't leave my head. Bizarro. Got a new toy. It's a plastic monstrocity to the sound of Polaroid Big Shot. One setting fits all, one distance to shoot from (if you want to be in focus). I'll try to post a picture of it soon to give you an idea of its ridiculousness. Anyway, new stuff!!!

The magic of a little film called Velvia:

One Red(dish) Leaf

Yeller Shoes at Kevin's

Scheduled Mid-Practice Smoke

I got some more (black and white) stuff I'll put up tomorrow at some point.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

A Nuclear Family

So...yay! I'm a window washer! Or at least I will be next week. Training starts Monday, and I'm fairly stoked to actually be getting some money soon. I must say that it has been a very good day. Not a bad week, either. So I came across another photographer. These photos didn't make me go, "Whoa! That is an AWESOME photo!" The photos in question stopped me dead in my tracks for their sheer "real"-ness. They are beautiful photos, but even moreso, they transcend technique. It becomes more about seeing a genuinely happy relationship than a critique which is especially hard to acheive as well as appreciate. Everyone's a critic, and art students think they are the best critics (myself included - although, I'm not really a student anymore). But when you can lose yourself in what you see, regardless of mission statements, it accomplishes so much more. We want to be moved, and sometimes, after looking everywhere, it takes the simplest things to move you. I like thought-provokingly complex work, but if a capture of a mother/son relationship can be more moving (without being tacky or sentimental), then...I don't know. Art can be valid without being depressing. Anway, Akihiro Furuta is pretty awesome. He also has a blog (in Japanese) that features the photos (in my sidebar - Life Is Beautiful). I'm done yappin'...for now.

It's Too Early.

Just a quick one for now. One of my photos is featured on the Film is not dead it just smells funny website. Frankly, I was surprised and very honored. All for now. Me need coffee.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

We Been Runnin' Barefoot In The Street

So, my fellow midsoutherns, wasn't the temperature insanely amazing yesterday?! I haven't been out today, but I imagine it is not as perfect. Although, it does look particularly nice what with the sun out. I actually like cloudy weather, but being confined to the house these past few cloud-ridden days has made Adam a dull boy.

I was kind of browsing through some of the groups on flickr I belong to (...them, curse you, preposition! It's so easy to end a sentence with you...of.). In doing so, I often find people who are awesomely talented. This guy had a photoblog which I rather dug. I was going to post a photo or two of his, but combining flickr and this has been met with inconvenience as well as my ineptitude in regards to html. Until I get my latest photos, I figured I would show some older favorites of mine (by older, I mean, within the past 6 months or so):

The Dreaded Boo-Boo

Peep the New Ride

My Converse

Oh, and in case you are like me and are very behind on your movie-watching, might I suggest Casino Royal or Crank? Both brilliant. Completely opposing styles of filmmaking but to a similar effect. Pulse-pounding action flicks that transcend typical, stupid action movies. One to avoid: Shoot 'Em Up. I have pondered on the possibility that the film was a joke that I just didn't get. I was even told that it was supposedly a satire, but to me, it came off like a garden-variety 90's comic book. This is not to say that it wasn't entertaining, but in the end, it was what it was: a stupid action movie.

Monday, September 10, 2007

If You're Not Here Haunting Me

So, I don't have much in the way of new photos (this one isn't new, but hey, it's Bullseye!).

Bullseye Returns!

I went to some songwritery Siren night at Neil's featuring Holly Cole and two others whose names I did not catch. It was pretty good for something I don't normally listen to. Snapped a couple of pictures. But I sat there in such a daze thinking of how in the middle I am in life. Going from one point to another. I haven't reached that new place, but I kind of realized that there will more than likely be a requirement on my part to do or be something that is contrary to my current tendencies.

I have many plans and little prospects. My hope is that I am not mistaking procrastination for patience. I feel as though I am being constructive, but things have yet to fall into place which can be a tad infuriating. I just want to be up to the task when an opportunity comes up beit something monetary. Something passionate. Something constructive. "I want something good to die for to make it beautiful to live." Hope it doesn't sound whiney - just trying to light my own fire, I guess.

Friday, September 7, 2007

So, No Creative Title Today

Got some new photos in. These first ones were made with the Mamiya that has to be cleaned otherwise I can only use one f/stop (2.8 for the oodles of photo geeks that read this!). They are clearly the more popular of the bunch. Very bright and punchy!

Red, Red Room

Funky Wallpaper


The others are done with my folding camera (Nettar). Different film (fujicolor 400H, I believe), totally different outcome. They are asthetically and personally relevant (to me at least) despite lacking the razzle-dazzle of the kodak slide film (e100vs).

Faded, Not Forgotten

Broke Down Blues

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

That Just Happened!

So, I'm watching an episode of Californication (which I have mixed feelings about so far), and all of a sudden I hear an odd sound. Now, my fan makes A sound but not at all like this newly-introduced sound. Something told me that, since the fan was looking like someone with inner ear on a rocking boat, this was not good (that would be "swaying boat," not "boat that ROCKS! lml.." babbling, yes - apologetic, no). As I darted over to the control (which has a silver, horizontal switch for light, and a dial 0-4 for the fan), I realized it was too late. And by realize, I mean, I watched the fan fall out of the ceiling:

Fallen Fan2

Fallen Fan

I will be awaiting my Dad's arrival home as I don't know much about electricity other than it's dangerous to idiots. So, I removed the light bulb so that when it falls and crushes me, at least, I won't have shards of glass protruding out of my face. Okay, okay...a tad overdramatic. It'll just kill me while I sleep.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

These Bear Traps, She Be My Master

So, an update. Yeah. The photos I'm posting are not new, but my process usually entails posting on flickr only the ones I really like and with the blog, posting the best of those. These are from previous rolls I've shot but have passed on posting them. Upon viewing them again, I have a new appreciation for them. I suppose it doesn't hurt that I've been aching to post something as it will be awhile before I get the newest photos developed. Anyway, here they be:

Holding Dog

A Quick Look

Tennis Net Diagonal

So, there.