Sunday, December 30, 2007

Green Pepper Jelly

is what I saw when I opened the refridgerator yesterday. Even now knowing this jelly's intended purpose, it still is a disgusting first impression because, normally, when you think "jelly," one's mind tends to go to fruity tastes and their combination with peanut butter and one's choice of bread. My imagination instantly came up with a potential taste for this new jelly on said sandwich. I am sure you, by this point, have done the same and have decided that this would be disasterous. I don't doubt that it would taste good given the proper habitat(i.e. fancy hors d'oeuvres), but initially, horrific at best.

Seems like I had many more food-related thoughts as I ate much more than my share of it over the Christmas holiday (two huge meals, two days in a row). Unrelated, but has anyone noticed a rise in news anchors as well as celebrities-endorsing-something making it completely obvious that they are reading a teleprompter? I can't tell if it has always been that bad, and I didn't notice it or if people are getting lazy. I mean, we are talking network, nightly news - not the local news. With a commercial, it's not as important because it is a one-shot deal, probably a couple hours work, but with news anchors, their job is basically to read a teleprompter and look good at it.

blah, blah. I got a new job. It is okay. It is better moneys with a wealth of hours available. I like it better than washing windows. More funds for the business, I guess:

Sonny With a Synth

Madison Being Good

From Jason's Birthday Dinner

As it relates to the previous post, I am still feeling pretty awesome about the world and life and all that crap. So, the ambiguity continues.

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