Sunday, December 2, 2007

So, I had three photo shoots this weekend. Trying to get that portfolio ready to go. I can't wait to get everything back. I just finished Tinman, the SciFi Wizard of Oz revamp. It is pretty cool so far. Happenstance is a french movie starring the lovely Audrey Tautou and freaking rocked my world. I also saw HardBoiled for the first time. Wow. Undeniably one of the best action movies ever, but now, my mission is to see The Killer which, to those I've talked to (and respect their opinion), they say is even better.

Syrup and the Moon Moon and Two Stars
Just Call Me Wolvierine Grace of God
MC Chris Ronny and Sonny
Trees In Motion Madison Thanksgiving

I think apricot-flavored things (jelly being the item that prompted this line of thinking) are very underrated. I don't know if many people like apricots or even have tried them. They certainly don't seem to be anyone I know's first choice. But my point is that apricots are delicious. So, um, eat them. Eat the jelly that is the kind made with and from said fruit. That is all.

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