Thursday, December 13, 2007

I Beg Your Pudding

Just saw I Am Legend tonight. It was pretty good. Kind of a 28 Days Later meets Castaway. Monsters-formerly-humans chasing hero plus one guy all by himself going a little loopy (that's not an implication of a twist, I assure you). It wasn't bad, but something about it was...bland.

But the reason I paid my $6.50 (would have gladly paid the $8.50) was for The Dark Knight trailer.

Holy Ca-cow!!!

It looks frickin' amazing. There were things I didn't like about Batman Begins, but all in all, I still enjoyed it. This new one looks to be much more Nolan-esqe. Heath Ledger was not my first choice for The Joker (Tim Roth was always in my head to play a new Joker), but I am certain anyone who sees the trailer will be won over. The laugh alone will convince you. I am officially, overwhelmingly excited about this movie. Which is a whoooole lot more than I can say about the twenty or so new "epic" movies that I saw previews for before The Dark Knight one.

Recent pictures:

Take Any Chance

Do You Wonder What Went Right?

Other Times You Need To Go Crazier

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