Monday, October 1, 2007

Shades of Green, Shades of Grey

I've uploaded a lot, and I've been debating what to post. The idea for the title of this post helped me narrow it down. As far as 35mm, slides scan so much better! Watched Oldboy again this past week. Initially, I thought it was the weaker of the Vengence trilogy films, but upon second viewing, I'll really have to rewatch the other two for my opinion not to change because it is an amazing film. Anyway, without further doodoo:

Apocalypse Sky Coming To Your Town Tonight

Lime In The Leaves

Yashica Flash Test - Pink Room Revenge

Also, here are a couple of shots (the only two that I took) from the last movie night we had at Danny and Megan's former apartment/townhouse. That was the time we watched The Story of Ricky (I don't think that's how you spell "Ricky" in this movie, but you get the idea):

Jason With Assist By Megan

Chris and Megan

I forget what song Megan was singing to Chris that night.


Ruben Bike said...

Nice Photoblog... jumping from blog to blog.... greetings

Adam The Awesome said...

Ah, hello and thank you.