Thursday, October 18, 2007

Made With Not From

Concentrate. I got another photo posted on the Film Is Not Dead It Just Smells Funny blog. Once again, I am honored. They have a lot of really great work on there of a very wide array - from toy cameras to large format, polaroids to pinholes, interiors to portraits, abstract to street photography. Even if you are not a photonerd (like me), I'm sure you'd find a handful of pictures to catch your eye. The first photo posted here is the one featured:

Two Houses At Night


DeSoto Water Tower

Oh, I can finally afford comics again. The Goon #19, Brit #1, All-star Superman #8, and Batman #667 were my first two purchases back into the world comic-nerdery (two separate comic store visits - same week).

A movie of cinematic brilliance (especially if you have any appreciation for the camerawork in Boogie Nights): I Am Cuba

Song to help you get angry (in that good way): "You Think I Ain't Worth A Dollar, But I Feel Like A Millionaire" by Queens of the Stone Age

Song to calm you down after the rampage: "Caminho Das Aquas" by Maria Rita

Prefix/suffix of the day: Nerd, apparently.


inscho said...

congrats! that's really awesome.

Adam The Awesome said...

Much thanks, James. I'm guessing that when I finish this response to your comment and go to your blog, I will see something new.